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Some reason I get a bug with the sprayer.  The booms will not fold all the way back in.

Sadly, that issue is caused by the auto booms. I suggest unfolding again and the refolding before booms auto align to the terrain your on. Or fold the booms when you  are parked on a flatter surface. Hope that helps

how can I get your Saskatchewan map on Fs22 

v1 is on our Facebook group. I’ll be releasing an updated version on here soon.

is there a way i can get in touch with someone about not being able to join the facebook group? i cant find any way to get in contact with an admin

Hi, The group has a process of approvals it goes through.  Your profile may have been rejected automatically if the answers to the group question are incomplete, your profile is new within 30 days, maybe you have marks against you in other groups, and something offensive or derogative shows up in your public profile.

Thank you, the boxes to select answers havent been loading when I tried to join the group previously. I tried again today and they did load

Once unfolded, it only folds 75% of the way back

Sadly, that issue is caused by the auto booms. I suggest unfolding again and the refolding before booms auto align to the terrain your on. Or fold the booms when you  are parked on a flatter surface. Hope that helps. 

Very nice machine! Well done!