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Does it have dynamic suspension?

Yup :) 


Has anyone located the plow. Im having trouble find it by hdmodding

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Sadly in the latest version of the super duty I chose to remove the compatibility of HD moddings plows. The plows were too heavy for how I have the suspension set up on the truck. Apologies for any inconvenience. 

I hate how some one is trying to stell this mod

Thank you for commenting on the individual who is trying to repost this as an edit.  I believe we asked nicely and he refused. I did apologize for some of my actions as I do take this very personally. It’s not my work, but I respect and care about Mr DuBois and don’t like when people think it’s okay to take what’s not theirs.  Yes it is a computer game mod, but there is a lot of time dedicated to make these mods.  

i let my yt know

he is doing it now too

i can not get the fuel tank on any on the trucks 

The fuel tank is designed to be lifted with a Tractor or some type of front loading vehicle with forks. Once lifted place it in the bed of the truck as close to the cab as possible. Then enter the Truck and you should be prompted to connect the tank. Hope this helps. 

thank you

Love the truck, this is my go to on any map I play. Can't wait to see what attachable bed options you add to it in the future. Keep up the amazing work.

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Hey, Thanks for your comment. Really happy you enjoy using the truck. Sadly its been tough to find the time to mess around with attachments. I hope to find the time and motivation again soon. 

i wish it had the true 6.7 sounds not a ford 6.0

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Found a bug with the truck when your steering in 3rd person. After all, it's a good mod!

what’s the bug?

When your character steers when you steer the truck when your in 3rd person

But what’s the bug? The character is supposed to steer the truck. Maybe I’m not understanding you.

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When you steer the truck in 3rd person, the steering wheel acts your in First person when you steer the truck.

that’s not a bug, its intentional.

how do I hook up the prowler nsowplow

Just drive the truck up to the plow and you will see an indicator to attach it. Please note that the plow won’t attach if the front grille guard is active. 

Thank you for the super truck. This is the only truck I use since it is error free and made perfect. But if you were to say make a GMC just like it I wouldn't hate it lol. Thank you again for an amazing truck.

your welcome. Really glad you are enjoying it. I only hope to one day find the time to bring a nice GMC to the game. I drive one personally :)

I do too :) but in game your Ford is my go to.

Such an amazing truck, easily my first go-to when setting up a new farm!

Kun je deze mod uitbrengen voor de Modhub Landbouw Simulator


ummmm where are the beds for the truck? lo

just the default bed and flatbed available for now. I hope to get around to making more attachments down the road. 

Best truck in the game as always.

A wonderful vehicle, great job